Monday, March 30, 2009

Twitter Dee Twitter Dumb...140 Word Limit? Re-Posting Makes Me Numb...

I'm a recent fan of that zany little phenomenon the whole Twitter World is Twitting about...In 140 characters or less, of course...That's right; I'm a real, live, Twitter-er...and I love it.

There are a few observations I've made that may or may not be shared by others, but please keep in mind; I'm usually right.  I may ramble, but sooner or later, I'll make a valid point; I think.  (Yes, I do use semi-colons; that's what a real, live, author does; I think.)

OBSERVATION #1:  You will find a wealth of insightful information from intelligent people who present their thoughts, display a good sense of humor, then move on, without wasting our time about their nephew's birthday party, or how they're hobnobbing with the future Governor of Wherever.

OBSERVATION#2:  You are mandated by Twitter Law to state your case in 140 characters or less, per post.  Per post?  No problem, leading to...

OBSERVATION#3:  If you just can't keep your thoughts for the day down to 140 characters, simply re-post, until you've made your point, even if your "point" is "pointless".  It doesn't matter.  Babble away, guykawasaki; babble away.  At least change your profile picture every now and then, so we aren't forced to see that same stupid, silly grin on your annoying face, every single day!  Hell, I changed my picture, just to see if anyone would notice (I'm only smirking now; not grinning). 

OBSERVATION#4:  If you like somebody's comments, or if they like your's, by activating the cool "Following" feature (just a simple little click), you will gradually develop a terrific networking base, which over time, will  grow exponentially.  There are probably thousands of people who are mutual fans of thousands of other people, like my new buddy, Themelis_Cuiper.  He startled the shit out of me when he submitted his intention of following my words of wisdom, so naturally, I returned the favor; as did a few hundred other people the other day.  This guy knows what he's doing; for sure.

OBSERVATION#4:  When you are a newcomer, prepare yourself for a dose of reality.  You may think your posts are so superb, they should be immediately recognized for their genius by your peers; but think again.  Nobody will think you're anything special, so join the masses in that sea of anonimity for a while.  Hang in there; gradually develop a mutual following, and you'll achieve something or other.  Personally, I'm trying to market my book, so I can like, pay bills and stuff.

OBSERVATION#5:  There are a number of famous people who post their ramblings, and it's generally quite amusing.  Guys like Mark Cuban and Rob Cordroy usually put a smile on my face, lol or lmao.  Of course, some of these famous people are so self-absorbed, they actually believe anybody really cares about their upcoming fund raiser with Snoop Dog, or they just had a little chat with Obama about the lessons to be learned from relying on those stupid teleprompters to give speeches.  I had a little fun with Steve Case, the founder of something or other internet related, giving him a little dose of his own banal medicine, which I thought was kind of funny, paraphrasing something he'd posted; but Steve, it was only good natured kidding.

Now I'm going to email the administrative staff at Twitter with my thoughts on improving their little Exec Tweets format, which I'm sure they'll give careful consideration and review, and possibly implement within the next 36 to 48 months; or not.  But it's worth a shot; sooner or later they'll realize I'm usually right.

In wrapping up this first installment of Twitter Talk, here's my favorite quote of the day, from someone going by the moniker, "pblackshaw":  Who needs a PR firm when every Twitter user is like a PR firm on steroids?  How true, and now I'm a faithful follower of whatever this person has to say from now on.

Now go buy my book, Life Under the Corporate Microscope, a mad-cap romp through 26 years of dealing with Corporate America's dominant car rental force, Enterprise Rent-a-Car.  It's not only a "great read", it's a "must read"; but at your earliest convenience. 

That website, for further information:

For all you Exec Tweets, I'll be visiting with you tomorrow.  Right now, I've got to go do something very important, although I can't seem to recall what it shall be.  Oh well, life is so beautiful with me in it.

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